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Yeah - this is something I noticed coming to Swift after spending a bunch of time in rust. Swift has T? syntax, and rust has Option<T>. The Swift syntax felt much more “lived in” - like, nullables were much easier to use and I found myself using them more.

Rust has dozens of helper methods for option - like map, map_or, map_or_else, and so on. When you’re starting out, it’s quite hard to find what you want in the morass of options. And many of the helper functions take a closure, which messes up your ability to do control flow (return, break, continue) from the containing function. In Swift, like typescript, I found the syntax sugar around options to be much easier to learn. Eg obj?.a?.b rather than checks docs obj.and_then(|o| o.a).and_then(|a| a.b).

“If let” in rust helps. (Similar to guard let in Swift) Ie, you can write if let Some(x) = x { … }. But you still can’t combine that with other conditions in the if statement - which drives me nuts.


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