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This was an excellent article.

However, I would add one practice to the things we can do, to reduce fragmented thinking. It's probably the oldest trick in the book; thousands of years old.

Create structured habits.

This is what musicians do, when they practice scales, endlessly, or artists do, when they are constantly doodling (I have done both).

When something becomes habit, we no longer think about it. It becomes "muscle memory."

There's a bunch of habits that I employ in my own work, and I feel that they pay off. To go into more detail would take more work than I feel like doing, now (I really need to get back to writing, but have gotten out of practice).

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."

- Mis-attributed to Aristotle

> There's a bunch of habits that I employ in my own work, and I feel that they pay off. To go into more detail would take more work than I feel like doing, now (I really need to get back to writing, but have gotten out of practice).

I'd really love to hear at least at a high level what sort of habits have helped you, if you have some time in the future

I have done a lot of writing[0], but have fallen out of the habit. I’ll try to get back to it.

[0] https://littlegreenviper.com/miscellany/

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