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> Make it harder to life an unhealthy lifestyle

Well, and that's exactly what these drugs do: they either make you uninterested in processed foods or make you ill if you consume them. Considering how many people's dietary habits are formed in childhood, and considering how many people learn dietary habits from their parents, I could see GLP-1 agonists having a generational effect where the children of people who take them never get hooked on bad food to begin with.

Although for what it's worth, you're absolutely right about food deserts and income, I sadly just don't see those things getting tackled head-on unless political winds in the US shift dramatically. On the other hand, making junk food less profitable to its creators might actually force some change, as backwards as that is.

They dont focus on processed foods do they? I thought it was just overall food consumption reduction by making you feel full.

They do make you feel full, but it seems like they also change how you digest food that's too fatty/oily/etc. I've heard some rough stories about people who ate certain foods on Ozempic and very much regretted it.

That’s my understanding as well.

> making junk food less profitable

That’s probably the only long term solution our hyper-capitalistic society

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