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The author of PySheets here: The app is written entirely in Python, running on PyScript, using PyScript-LTK, with two Python VMs, MicroPython and PyOdide. Web server is minimal logic, running on gunicorn on DigitalOcean. Storage is on Firestore. The App can be easily packaged up as a standalone, "on-prem" app, but I have not given that too much priority for now. Would love to hear what you all thing of writing web apps in the browser in Python.

LTK, a Python library to create browser UIs, is part of the open-source PyScript project. See https://github.com/pyscript/ltk. Anyone planning to visit PyCon US in Pittsburgh, I will be in the Anaconda booth most of the time. See you there.

>>> Would love to hear what you all thing of writing web apps in the browser in Python.

I like the idea. I'm not a commercial dev, but a so called "scientific" programmer, meaning that I use programming mainly as a problem solving tool. But once in a while I create little apps for my colleagues to use, many of whom don't program. But they can manage spreadsheets quite well.

I'm pretty committed to Python at this point, but deployment of an app is a headache, and I've explored a variety of solutions. I've written a couple of web apps using *flet*, and they run on pretty much every platform I've tested. This seems like a nice approach.

The thing I'd like to figure out is how to give a web app access to a user's files, though I appreciate why this should be difficult for security reasons.

Any PySheets sheet runs in the PyScript context and can access the JavaScript window and DOM. Therefore, you can use the browser to access the file system: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FileSystem.

Alternatively, you could create a form to "upload" a specific file, but instead of uploading it, read the bytes from the PySheet's cell function.

Wow, PyScript has come a long way. I remember when loading it into the browser would take 5-10 seconds. This seems much faster. Great work!!

Lots of blood, sweat, and tears. And MicroPython!

Why no ISO26300 support?

Most people will import external sheets using Pandas. It has numerous conversion methods for table-structured data sources, such as https://pandas.pydata.org/docs/reference/api/pandas.read_exc....

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