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How did we subsidized east European erotic call centers?

By calling them

That's just wrong use of words.

And weird accusations like we Germans did this on purpose like mafia

Are you saying Germans subsidized erotic call centers by accident?

No. I'm saying that German did not subsidize those at all.

There is not a source I read about Germany as a country did this.

I understand that German people were using those lines and made it therefore profitable but that's not what the word subsidize implies.

Look. I understand that some Germans were not at all involved in subsidizing erotic call centers, and those innocent Germans should be left in peace. But it's not at all clear how many Germans have been subsidizing erotic call centers, nor how much the German government had a role.

Without any sources this is speculation.

And regarding single Germans: they probably also not subsidized it.

They were either customers or investors

> Without any sources this is speculation.

I completely agree that we need more data.

The German government has never issued a firm and unequivocal denial that they subsidize erotic call centers, neither now nor at any time in the past.

It is interesting that more moderate Germans do not condemn the more radical erotic call center supporters amongst their countrymen.

Their silence on this matter speaks volumes.

I have anecdotal evidence to offer.

We all do, German and non-German alike.

I’m confused how we ended up here, but happy we did. Does anyone have more info on the history of German subsidization of interactive auditory erotica?

I really think it's time we had answers from the German government on this question.


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