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Is there a gender based point being made here? It feels like the only reason to mention she was a woman.

Yes. Females buy more clothes and the cultural stereotype is that they have a better clothing taste then men generally.

Also, let people tell stories however they feel like they want to tell them.

Thanks, that makes sense. It was indeed a point playing with a gender stereotype. I wonder if the woman GP was friends with would be accepted by society so readily if she put in so little effort to her clothes and appearance as he did. I doubt it, and that makes the remark a little bit uncomfortable to read honestly.

I'm not sure what your last remark is meant to imply but it feels quite rude. It's normal to be curious and ask people to expand on or clarify what they're saying, especially on a site where the main posting guidline is "intellectual curiosity." I don't appreciate your directive in this case, as I don't feel I was blocking anyone from sharing their story with the question I asked.

But, if we're being prescriptive, the term "women" is generally more accepted when talking about humans. "Females" is regarded by many as dehumanising.

> I wonder if the woman GP was friends with would be accepted by society so readily

I don’t think „society“ accepts an adult man who is dressed in rags either. At best people will think you’re some kind of hippie, at worst actively avoid you. In m experience does not apply if you are a student or below 30.

We weren't talking about rags, we were talking about worn clothing. The original comment seemed to suggest that the most pushback he experienced was the comment from his friend which the was able to shoot down. I'm sure that if he was being seriously shunned in the way you're suggesting he would have felt compelled to change his habits.

The expection for women to put more effort into their appearance than men is well understood. Do you disagree?

> and I keep wearing my clothes despite the many holes they have, as long as no private bits poke out.

These sound like rags to me.

The point is that the cross over point at which they become socially damaging is more liberal for men.

I meant that it is possible taskforcegemini looked like they were wearing rags in a “not having themselves together” way, whereas the friend’s clothing with intentional holes can look like a “have themselves together but wear it as a style choice” way.

It is or was very common to see men wearing clothing with tips and tears as a style choice, so I would not say men cannot get away with it. It just depends what the totality of the look is.

Ah, so basically she took on the labour of both her own and her friend's presentation, and he still managed to both belittle her for it and to feel bold enough to share the story putting her as the butt of a joke about "females."

That's a dubious claim and a faith-based argument.

Would you care to explain this assertion?

No evidence, just relies on a trope.

I just took a look at /newcomments and I counted fourteen assertions being made, none of which were evidenced and most of which relied on tropes relating to things like capitalism or working culture. This is the norm on this site, and as such I find it remarkable that you've singled out this particular instance of it.

There's an interesting topic for discussion in regards to measuring social phenomenon and it feels out of keeping with site guidelines that you wouldn't engage on that basis but rather begin with complete dismissal.

You need to find your own echo chamber if you dont like your tropes challenged. maybe daily kos?

I'm always happy to be challenged in my views. As I say above, there was no challenge from yourself, only dismissal.

Your comments have now become personal and derogatory and I am not willing to have a conversation like this at all, so I will do as you say and go away, or "shut the f up" as the other commenter said.

I'm not sure what gives you the right to tell me my views aren't welcome here. I've kept my comments within the site guidelines while you have not. Is this your personal echo chamber where others aren't welcome? The boys club where laughing about "females" goes ahead without comment? It must be that way since you targeted the single critical voice in a thread with at least 2 other examples of what you're ostensibly complaining about that you chose to ignore. You wouldn't even have the decency to respond to anything I said, again straight to dismissal and telling me to leave. So much for being challenged.


Could you explain what you're saying? It feels very aggressive.

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