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>> That's possible. It's actually a deep philosophical question. Do planets "solve Newton's equations of motion" when they move?

Yes, that's an interesting question- that I'm really not equipped to answer. Probably for the best.

>> I used to be. I've been out of the field for over 20 years now. But back in the day I was pretty well known.

I'm really new to the field so I don't know your work. In fact I wouldn't even say I am in the field as such. An academic sibling suggested I take a post doc job and now I'm collaborating with roboticists. I'm just working on autonomous behaviour- I'm not allowed near hardware.

It's an interesting field although I have to constantly be on my toes to avoid violating my principles. See I'm a peacenick, but it seems with the work I do, as soon as I got that stuff working, someone will want to put it on a drone, strap a gun on its back and send it to kill people. And I'm dead set against that sort of thing.

I had a quick look at your site and you've worked with NASA. Respect! We can send autonomous rovers to explore far away planets and people want to keep them here wreaking havoc and death. Unbelievable.

Do you have any pointers to your work? Something you are really proud of that you did in the past? I'm curious.

This is what I was mainly known for:



I think I'm most proud of this:



though it didn't make nearly as much of a splash.

I was also the tech lead on the New Millennium Deep Space One Remote Agent Executive, which sounds cool, but was really kind of a disaster. See:


if you want the gory details.

Cheers! I'll have a look :)

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