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I got in to coding when I discovered digital trackers back then. Now I mostly just corral k8s clusters but that was how I got my start.

It was a neat scene technologically because that was one of the few places that would book DJs from Russia/CIS, and they had a DJ tradition based on reel to reel rather than vinyl. It still explains a lot of the difference between psytrance and the various house descendants that come out of a vinyl tradition.

That sounds like a nice story, hope you're doing well nowadays!

> reel to reel

Thanks, as a buddying audio guy I learnt something new today!

> It still explains a lot of the difference between psytrance and the various house descendants that come out of a vinyl tradition.

If these genres came from vinyl, what were the genres coming from r2r? (Until now I thought everything was from vinyl.)

(Ps guessing from your username you're Indian too?)

Sorry I wasn't clear; psytrance came out of magnetic tape and house came out of vinyl.

Here's one of the best old school Russian DJs using a r2r: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yg4VzVXKhAk

I'm not Indian, but I've lived more of my adult live in South Asia than out of it.

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