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Postgres (with pgvector) is an unbelievably goated vector db. Idk why anyone would use anything else.

It's nice to begin with but you usually quickly hit a scale issue from what I tried and talked to different people using it.

Also they only offer index stored in Memory as far as I know, also lack the support of different index or more advanced ones like GPU index.


PgVector stores the index in memory right? Do you really want your primary db using all its memory for vectors and all its cpu for doing vector dot products?

There are significant differences in performance, accuracy, and other aspects when using a general-purpose database like PostgreSQL. These differences can lead to bottlenecks in performance and data scale. You can refer to this comparison article to learn more https://myscale.com/blog/myscale-vs-postgres-opensearch/

So you want to run mission critical workloads on Postgres and do a vector similarity search on the same DB?

And Datomic is the goat outside of vectors

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