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I've written a few projects in Nim. Unfortunately there seems to be a big "civil war" happening right now in Nim land where it's the creator vs big-names going at it for some reason. Can't remember. Like if Chris McCord suddenly started fighting with Jose Valim and Elixir became split right down the middle.

I stopped using Nim because I couldn't get over how bad the documentation was. Hard to navigate, hard to find what you need if you don't already know what it's called and examples are extremely convoluted instead of showing you the basics barebones first. I thought this problem would have less of an impact the longer I used Nim but years later it's still a thorny problem.

The creator not being able to community manage was why I left Nim - not "forever", but I moved on to other things. The language has some good ideas, but at that time development seemed to be heavily guided by two trolls who hung out in the IRC and complained, every day, about how they would never ever be able to do their projects without this one feature. Eventually I got into it with them and nobody got banned...which, of course, said to me that he was OK with toxicity, so I couldn't be bothered to stay.

That, and a lot of the more advanced features were just broken.

> Unfortunately there seems to be a big "civil war" happening right now in Nim land

I believe the war is already over, the other side forked the language and seems to move in their own direction to create something new - https://github.com/nim-works/nimskull . That's probably for the better.

I've been around Nim communtiy around a year and I haven't seen any major conflicts break out since these people left. Nim is still actively developed and a joy to use. And even the creator of the language, deemed as dictator or asshole by some, comes off only as grumpy old man (show me an old man who isn't grumpy, duh). Who also realizes his flaws and is willing to compromise.

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