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You definitively should do that, but I doubt that it will prevent your data from being trained on. It sucks, but that's the reality now. I stopped using Spotify a while ago. Never using it again for sure.

Won't stop the scraping, but the terms go way beyond AI training. They more or less retroactively changed the ToS to revoke all your IP rights to a work.

> non-exclusive, transferable, sublicensable, royalty-free, fully paid, irrevocable, worldwide license to reproduce, make available, perform and display, translate, modify, create derivative works from, distribute, and otherwise use any such User Content through any medium, whether alone or in combination with other Content or materials...

I don't know how much of it is enforceable in court, but I wouldn't want to take that risk if I hosted anything as an indie.

They don't revoke any of your IP rights, you still own the IP. They can just do whatever they want with it.

What's your alternative? I enthusiastically do not care for podcasts, news and social "features". Recommendation for a just (all the) music, no shenanigans type of service?

I currently use Tidal, though their player is not as polished as Spotify's is unfortunately. Still very usable, just a few bugs here and there.

Tidal is a pretty good general music app as a Spotify alternative and reportedly pays artists a lot more for plays.

I also fairly liked Qobuz, a French service, but ended up dropping it because it didn't have the kind of "just play something I like" feature that Spotify and Tidal have made pretty standard now (daily mixes, etc). I hate the laziness of it but I've gotten used to it; there are days/times I just want to listen to music of a certain mood while I'm working on something and don't want to think hard about what to put on.

I switched from Spotify to Apple Music last year and as far as I know, there are no podcasts, news, or social features. If those things exist, they aren't in your face like Spotify. The library seems to be similar.

Actually, because you can play radio stations and some radio stations play news, news is on there.

youtube music? (plus ad-free youtube is included which is always nice)

That's what I use. YouTube on a free account is unusable, and I don't trust ad blockers. YouTube Music isn't perfect. A lot of songs aren't there or it's a music video version, but there's things like concerts, compilations, session recordings, covers, people improvising, etc.

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