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Both are very significant events, since previous tests didn't get even close to soft landing.

That's why this scheme requires land tax, not property tax.

If Baidu's numbers are to be believed, Baidu Apollo is indeed much larger, with over 5M rides in 2024 YTD:


Assuming the average ride is over 2 mi, this is more than Waymo's cumulative 10M miles driven.

Apples to oranges. Waymo's 10M miles are their autonomous miles, not their total mileage. Apollo's miles are almost entirely with safety drivers until very recently.

All things being equal, you'd want a CEO who understands the business, either by coming up through the ranks or a long career at another company in the same business.

Which is basically Gwynne Shotwell, if I read her bio correctly.

At $22,800 with unlimited downside if the stock goes up, that's a pretty expensive gamble.

That's not true if you buy a single put option (it is 100 shares). If you sell a naked put option you're opening yourself up to unlimited losses potentially. Not to worry, most brokerages won't let you put in such an order unless you file some paperwork attesting to your level of trading experience, often referred to as Level 3 or 4. When you buy a put option, your risk is always limited to the premium paid, and nothing more. The upside is potentially unlimited profit. And I'm not even getting into the dozens of options architectures which optimize for specific trading theses.

There are many, many ways to construct the trade to limit the downside risk.

That's a very limited purpose service to avoid tracking, it's not going to help you torrent all the warez.


A luminary icon much like Frank Zappa's Sheikh Yerbouti.

Just yesterday I found out why there was a fine German gentleman in Stunts/4D Sports Driving


Traffic fatalities in Thailand are the highest in SE Asia and 73% of them are on motorcycles.


This is not necessarily from extreme behavior, most Thai are on relatively slow scooters.

Until recently this was a pain in the ass, because you could only adjust wiper speed via the touchscreen. This was literally my #1 problem with Tesla's UI.

However, they recently rolled out a software update that lets you adjust the wiper speed easily with the left scrollwheel.

In a place like Singapore, where a taxi ride is $10 but a Corolla starts from $100,000, the equation will strongly favor robotaxis for everyone.

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