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that hasn't worked in years mate.

it is one of the reasons why many application systems, even if they're able to parse your resume, require that you manually add things like jobs, education, and certifications.

indeed. and they should have "rip-cord" or "fire alarm" abilities to halt any activity that's potentially dangerous.

cue the old story about how any Toyota line worker could and should slam the stop button if they saw anything unsafe, and even if they stopped the line for a false positive, they shouldn't be punished -- because you want people calling out anything that even seems risky without fear of reprisal.

means motive opportunity -- 3 for 3

given the use cases re: satellites on the island, and the continuing cold-yet-increasing tensions with Russia, it's absolutely reasonable to make that assumption

maybe they'll try to blame this on Ukraine like they tried with the undersea pipelines that got blown up, too

It's reasonable to assume. But it's wildly insufficient for either a prosecution or diplomatic consequences, especially given that all 3 also would apply to a trawler just intent on profiting from trawling.

I agree the odds are reasonably high Russia arranged this on purpose. And that's fine for the purposes of a discussion that doesn't have consequences, but not for much more.

aye. Starlink could be, best case, an Out of Band (OOB) management interface.

good for getting into the other side of a connection or doing some management tasks like back-up telemetry -- but we're talking SNMP, SSH connections to routers, etc, not GigE levels of data.

definitely not. volumes just aren't there and Elon Musk is openly in bed with dubious characters.

> Seems like the only way to win is not to play.

I get the feeling that's going to get more common. Bots on bots, so the human just gives up and hangs out in-person. Like, start going to meetup groups and job fairs. s

already seeing that with dating apps (as discussed heavily on HN).

"dead internet theory" in action

I bet you can. easily. I used to eat ~6000 calories a day during training while doing competitive rowing in college. not hard with nutrient-dense foods.

your average chipotle burrito is like half way there. throw in a breakfast, snack, and light dinner and easily 5k calories.

secretly? brand it with a logo and people will go out of their way to get it.

some dude wandering around with SUPREME on his forehead that light up each time he shines a blacklight on it. and also happens to track everywhere he goes

aye. "justify what we're doing, please mr ethics person"

Don't forget threatening and even kidnapping Chinese people inside the US

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