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> biggest pride parades in the world

Do you mean NYC Pride or Sao Paolo Gay Pride Parade?

Does anybody have any numbers? The one with the biggest numbers should get the biggest bonus from US because they are the most democratic.

Because of the 535 politicians we have, 45 of them have received donations just during the 2024 election cycle. Big names like Ted Cruz, Marsha Blackburn, Rick Scott, Mitt Romney, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, etc.

It's bipartisan enough that I don't believe the parties will be able to come to an agreement to enact any meaningful change. This goes beyond the Republican vs. Democrat issues so it's much more difficult to make this a partisan issue to rally mass support from either party.

There's a few different aspects:

They're using non-publicly data provided by their friends/partners to set rental rates. This data includes lease length terms, de-marketing reasons, etc. They then use this data to set a price on a specific unit. If I used their software and was putting a unit up on the market, they would have the price they recommend. If I disagreed with that price, I wouldn't be able to change it. I had to submit an appeal to RealPage, they would review my appeal, and decide if the rental rate was correct or not. I, as the property owner/management company, have lost all ability to set rental rates myself to the complex I own or work for.

And due to their pricing being compared to their own units, or to their partners units, this amounts to price fixing.

I live in Atlanta so I'm familiar with vacancy rates here. This data from Costar shows it's the highest in the nation and has gone up around 60% around 7.5% to 12% since Q1 2021.


Wow. That sounds like a LOT more than "inching up". I got the feeling from the article it must be significant, but their use of the term "inching up" made me think maybe it was somehow not all that great.

It's most likely due to visa and immigration laws.

When a vessel is docked in a port, they are able to disembark and operate under a special visa that lasts the duration of their vessel's stay, and they are required to leave with the vessel when it disembarks from the port. Since the vessel has left the port, their visas are no longer applicable and they would be arrested if they left the vessel.

I think op is asking why we can't just wave our hands here, legally. Obviously they don't have a valid visa, but these are extenuating circumstances. Just take them to an airport and send them home. If they're chaperoned the whole time, who really cares if they have a valid visa while traveling to the airport?

Which is what parent is asking: why can’t they just get deported?

Because even deportation has legal hoops you have to jump through. If they get deported, even willingly, what happens when they come back to American on another vessel?

Their special visas to disembark while at port would most likely not be approved if they have a big "deported" note on it.

On top of that, a lot of these workers are kept in exploitative working conditions and are owed thousands of dollars in backpay. Leaving the vessel to be willingly deported effectively negates any chance of actually being paid and can kill your career right then and there. I highly doubt that's a risk any of them are willing to take.

The shoebox (affectionate) 2024 Fiat 500e is $33k. How is a Jeep EV going to be $25k?

My guess is that they mean “$25k including potential federal and state rebates” which actually means 33k for the base model that will have a 6 month order lag time.

It’ll be for a base model that they don’t actually sell at dealerships at all. The ones rolling onto lots will still be $50k+

Genuinely: why does anyone believe almost anything these guys say? They’re not going to be honest - it’s their fiduciary responsibility to be dishonest.

It could be a 25K Jeep, but requires 1k/month of maintenance that must be performed at a dealership.

I'm assuming EV doesnt stand for what we think it stands for. When I think Jeep i think....Extremely Volatile? Explodes Violently? Evidently Vexatious?

Because that car is a highly stylish car aimed at upper middle class people, and has the styling, pricing, and marketing to match.

The Jeep is going to be midmarket with probably a lot of cost-cutting features. Probably not as nice fit and finish and such and will probably hit the $25k price point, after the $7500 subsidy.

If I had to guess it might be an electric version of the ICE Jeep Compass which starts at $25k. EV motors and batteries are reaching an economic point where they are becoming practically drop-in replacements for ICE drivetrains. The engine, drivetrain, emissions, etc stuff is also expensive. Assembly I imagine is cheaper too because electric cars are simpler machines.

The ICE Fiat 500 is a cheap car in Europe. Is it different in the USA?

Stateside a decade ago the Fiat 500 was a cheap garbage tier vehicle. Nowadays, they make an expensive car, that is likely still garbage tier.

They're expensive if you're buying them new. But they quickly depreciated in value and back when they still sold their ICE models here it was easy to buy a 2-3yo one for around $12k.

I don't know how much of a battery's cost is yet to be reduced by scale and process improvements, but it isn't $0. Maybe?

While it is of course most improper on this website to read the article:

> Tavares disclosed few details about the upcoming vehicle, saying it will be priced around $25,000 in the U.S. to emulate Stellantis’ pricing of the Citroen e-C3 SUV, a low-cost model starting at 23,300 euros, or about $25,200, in Europe.

I mean, reading between the lines, they all but say that it's going to be same platform as the e-C3; Citroen and Jeep are both members of the big happy family of car brands everyone had forgotten existed that is Stellantis. (Stellantis does seem to be slightly getting its act together now, but for quite a while it really was just a bunch of "wait, they still make those?" brands).

That said there's actually a 25k EUR version of the e500 available here; possibly the US only gets the higher trim levels or something?

Well, when you haven't updated your sedan in 6 years but still charge the same price as when it first released, it's easy to claim "lack of customer demand".

Look around you when driving. If you're in a small car like me, vw golf, you realize how out of place you are. Every vehicle behind me feels like they have their high beams on because their car is so much higher off the ground.

I love the efficiency of my small car, but the lack of safety to those outside of the vehicle is a huge concern. One can buy a 2ton vehicle off the lot today that can do 0-60 in 3.0, the hummer ev. I really don't feel safe in a small car anymore.

I'm not the only one who thinks this. It's a race to get bigger and beefier cars . Unless we put in regulations, it's only going to get worse. No wonder pedestrian deaths have risen.

Nit: the hummer EV is 4.5 tons. The average SUV only has 2 tons of mass.

> They hired the Sky voice actress well before contacting SJ.

Then why would they need to contact SJ 2 days before the release? If they already had the Sky voice complete? If there wouldn't be enough time to have SJ record everything for the voice?

To me, it doesn't pass the sniff test. Either their talent department is just really bad at planning and had no clue it was releasing just two days later (unlikely), or they were trying to get an agreement signed with her before the release, anticipating that this would happen (likely).

Then why would they need to contact SJ 2 days before the release?

According to OpenAI, they wanted SJ for a separate voice (https://openai.com/index/how-the-voices-for-chatgpt-were-cho...), possibly as a "one more thing" conclusion to the demo. You can say that they're lying, and certainly OpenAI doesn't have the highest credibility at the moment, but it's at least plausible.

or they were trying to get an agreement signed with her before the release, anticipating that this would happen (likely)

If they anticipated this would happen, why wouldn't they just ditch the Sky voice altogether?

> If they anticipated this would happen, why wouldn't they just ditch the Sky voice altogether?

This is my opinion so it's not factual. They already don't have any qualms making billions of dollars operating with a maybe-illegal-but-definitely-not-cool business model that hoovers up copyrighted content without compensated authors to use their works to train models to reproduce similar works, again without compensating any copyright owners. Why would they act different when it's one celebrity? Sugar Daddy Microsoft has enough money and lawyers to throw at SJ to keep her busy until she either croaks or goes broke.

Also, why would MS or OpenAI lose out on a billion dollars in stock growth with the release of ChatGPT4.o when, for a few million dollars, you can do whatever you want.

You know he's not actually coding the software, designing the cars, or the battery tech, or the rocket trajectories, right? He's a CEO, he's a glorified mid-level manager.

The real greatest technologists here are the engineers that have to put up with him. Maybe he should listen to them and we wouldn't have cars that actively tried to drive us into trains! https://qz.com/tesla-full-self-driving-train-1851489554

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