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> No one needs citations to voice a commonly shared perspective or experience on an internet forum, get real.

That sounds like an echo chamber, not something I usually associate with HN

Try contributing.

> By joining IBM, HashiCorp products can be made available to a much larger audience, enabling us to serve many more users and customers.

I'm really wondering who is kidding who here. Is it IBM or Hashi?

IBM has its mitts into finance, defence, aerospace -- and these industries generally stick to IBM / IBM sanctioned products. So with IBM selling Vault / Boundary (in particular) they will get better adoption.

In my experience IBM uses the sexy stuff (used to be OpenShift) to get meetings then sells the same old boring IBM software and services after the initial meetings.

Dude some 28 year old marketing rep wrote that copy, don’t take it seriously

It's a shame that HashiCorp gave up. The govt bans foreign competition like Tiktok and in house competition don't have the stamina. Doesn't bode well for capitalism.

"Give up" is not really the appropriate terminology, the board of directors are the only ones that really have a say in acquisitions, and if the offer was given with a sufficient premium their own choice is limited by willingness to face shareholder lawsuits if they turn it down.

brings back memories of my ipod which i never had.

cloud-init is nice if your VM is throwaway. Is that feasible in a home-setting?

Like in Go? I still think it's difficult there. Is it made easy? Sure. But it's not simple

In part because Go isn't true CSP, it's just inspired by it. It's very easy to accidentally share data between threads even when exclusively using channels to communicate. Couple this with the cases where it is better to use shared state with mutexes and you get can bit by them being easy to screw up or forget.

After so many years just using Linux desktops I was shocked how many single purpose GUI applications I need on my MacBook from work.

The one that comes to mind is a GUI with a single button to restore subpixel hinting functionality on, what apple calls, lo-dpi screens. Apple in all their wisdom disabled subpixel hinting a long time ago.

The one I haven't tackled yet, is having only output on my external screen without having to close the lid. Why is this difficult? Am I dumb? I expect there is a GUI somewhere which will expect 10 dollars per year.

Pretty sure Lunar [0] can do this for you, and you can buy a lifetime license.

[0]: https://lunar.fyi/

If you're used to scripting these things you can create your own simple guis with something like Keyboard Maestro ($, but not subscription) where a button would just call the script to do what you want

But yeah, the OS won't be of much help, it's not designed for these things to be comfortable

Kinda tired that redis, the company, is seen as the creators of redis and that they are in their right to fight the big Bad hyperscalars. The irony is, redis the company would not have existed in the first place with their current license choice, because they, Garantia data, started out as a third party.

This is contrast to elastic and mongodb.

> I like Go. But how come they have not fix the issue with implicit nulls? Null guards everywhere... I cannot believe that a company as mighty as Google did not choose to use decades old insights on how to fix this

They relied on decades old insights of persons who worked on C and Unix. That said, I'm honestly still on the fence about if nil checking is really braindead, or just what it boils down to in the end and the rest like exceptions and Options/Result is just theatrical.

What I don't get is that they are not more pedantic about checking nil errs in the compiler. They error hard during compilation on unused variables, but err checking is simply not done.

The whole open source model is scratching each others back but your own just a little bit more. But you make it sound as if aws was hypocritical for contributing and at the same time making money with it. Well ehh, isn't that the whole deal?

No, not given the people who created Redis, built distribution, made it a standard didn’t get paid. Open source isn’t about letting someone else gain from your work. It’s about openness. That’s why it’s of course in AWS’ benefit to support a fork. They claim to have helped the project therefore should be trusted going forward, despite latching onto it after the work was done to gain adoption. That’s fairly controlling and manipulative.

See my above comment; Redis Labs did not create redis.

The company that owns the name “Redis” did not create the software.

Were the creators of Redis responsible for making it a standard, or was it some early cloud "influencers" who stumbled upon it and promoted it in their resources?

And redis doesn't want to pay contributors. Same gist, same shortsighted take on the whole matter.

Based on the open source license redis had before, what did aws do wrong? They didn't even have to contribute back, yet they did.

Investors of redis based their SaaS offering on open source and community work. Now that they achieved critical mass they want to reneg on the license.

There are multiple hosted Redis providers, not just Redis Labs and AWS.

I'm not sure why Redis OSS couldn't live on as open source product, while companies (including Redis Labs) offer managed Redis solutions.

It's nearly impossible to compete with AWS on hosting. People host their stuff on AWS, it's so much easier to take the fully integrated solutions of AWS than a third party vendor that they have realistically no chance of competing. That plus the fact that a competitor wanting to sell to AWS customers would have to host their own offering on AWS for bandwidth cost and latency reasons, and being forced to pay a competitor to play is always a sign that unfair competition is going on.

The rule of thumb is that you should be either be a platform or participate in the competition on that platform but never do both (applies to App Store, Amazon Marketplace, etc etc)

It does live on. It’s called “Valkey” now.

> And redis doesn't want to pay contributors. Same gist, same shortsighted take on the whole matter.

People who parrot these mindless rants on licensing purity would do well to learn what Redis inc actually is, what's it's relationship with Redis.


The Garantia Data rebrand and narrative reframing as the inventors of Redis is one of the greatest marketing efforts in OSS.

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