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Wrong URL?

Try submiting again the English landing page. Post in other languages are usually ignored or flagged.

Add the name and description to the title something like "Show HN: Bestcase - One-Click Project Planning for smart IT Teams", but the last part has too much hype for the stile of the site, my recomendation is something like "Show HN: Bestcase - One-Click Project Planning for IT Teams".

Nice! I remember a similar post a few years ago, but I can't find it.

[spoiler alert] Do you have a McDonald's somewhere in the graphic?

Good memory!

It was a 'Pizza Hut' sign and I decided to remove it as some people simple didn't undestood that it was an easter egg joke.[0]

[0]: https://github.com/LingDong-/shan-shui-inf/issues/13

From https://github.com/rasheedmhd/llama

> multiply \* me;

Is that a typo?

Do you have some technical description on how safe is to put sensible information in the backups? Are they encrypted?

> What measures do we have to prove someone mined the bitcoin personally?

A room filled with ASICs and a huge electricity bill or the rooftop covered with solar panels?

Use just a standard android tablet, like a Samsung A7 Lite with a thick cover like https://articulo.mercadolibre.com.ar/MLA-1378585161-funda-an...

My wife made a custom app with Text-To-Speech for my children in this setup using Kotlin.

How can Google verify all the account have the same owner?

google already has an option where you can set other email as backup mail, can ask if the owner is same or not on both ends.

> You dont actually sell the ownership of the repo just add buyers as team members to your repo.

I expect the buyer to want full ownership of the repo. If the original programer get's unhappy 2 year later, s/he can delete the code or do other nasty things. If I buy it, I want the previous owner out.

You can also have private repos with closed source code in Github.

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