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I'm flying to Israel after shavuot, this Thursday. I'll feel much safer in Israel than I do in the United States.

Cool, that's your opinion (weirldly). Haven't seen many rockets landing in the USA or any missile defense systems needing deployed. Get a grip.

San Francisco is not safe.

> Another hand gesture you will frequently see in religious art is a figure (usually a Pope or bishop) pointing upwards with their index and middle finger. This is somewhat unnatural since you would generally point with your index finger alone. The use of two fingers represents the divine and human natures of Christ.

At Disney employee training they taught me to point with index and middle finger (or my whole hand) too.

The use of two fingers represents the dual natures of Disney Channel and Disney Plus.

That is less about the gesture than it is about avoiding a different gesture. Many cultures do not appreciate pointing with a single finger. So Disney wants their people to use two.

I had thought it was more about pointing at a person with a finger was unwelcome, than pointing at a destination. I suppose in a crowded place such as an amusement park, you could inadvertently point at a person when giving directions?

It also killed their very successful Selectric business!

I think it's OK to have a contractual stipulation that you won't do anything to embarass your employer, especially if you're in a management or leadership position.

That being said, I don't like how universities pick and choose on what to defend as "free speech" and what to double down on... They need to be consistent and clear.

Also see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBUkajbg688

and look at all the recent Reddit threads on Yotta: https://old.reddit.com/r/yotta/

Here's the YCombinator page for them: https://www.ycombinator.com/companies/yotta

Fools who believe there is risk free 2x yields and their money are soon parted:

“Users save money, get over 2x the national average in interest and weekly chances to win additional prizes up to $10 million through weekly random number drawings.”

What a joke.

To be fair, the national average interest rate is only ~0.46%, which is insanely low considering how many banks are now offering 4-5%. Offering 2x the national average is still low.

The $10M random number drawings are definitely shady as hell, though.

Their website barely mentions they’re a bank, it says everywhere “ WIN MONEY!!!”… looks like one of these online casinos. And the About Us page is password protected.

Well, of course not! It's another Y Combinator Fraud

I don’t think my Lenovo X13s has a fan. I’ve never heard it.

With the elderly, dementia has a lot to do with it.

I just saw a YouTube video peddling 'supplement for men' aimed towards men 16-30 (anybody older ought to have his life a bit more figured out), got to the website to check how much of a scam it is, and it was probably one of the biggest scam I ever saw. Typically the type of scam science my mother fell into times and times again, and that I though would only work on hippy women. This sexist bias I had is now dead, but i'm not reassured.

I'm not saying young people don't fall for scams. But dealing with a 91 year old mother now, I know how vulnerable old people are. And some people start having signs of dementia in their 70s like the man in this WSJ article.

> Is this another chink in the wall of "fair use"/"parody" ?

This is not the United States. There concepts of "fair use" and "Parody" with respect to free speech and copyright laws may not apply.

Also, armor has chinks, not walls.

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