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Once you learn and get used to the macOS's shortcuts, you can totally ignore F-keys.

I believe the visual noise can be reduced a bit. Here are a few personal ideas;

- Replace the loud icons with just an UP/DOWN arrow for voting.

- Pill Labels/Tags can have a subdued contrast — “24 minutes ago”, “GitHub”, etc. They can be just hyperlinks.

- Instead bring out the contrast in the taglines. I want to read that along with the title.

- The logos of various technology might be enough without their titles, such as “Python”, “NextJs”.

- Please make me scroll the page and not a frame inside a page.

I'm curious what's the argument for the last point.

I also tend to make apps that have nested containers scroll with the content. Anything wrong with it in particular?

It wastes vertical space, most people have horizontal monitors. On mobile devices it takes up a lot of the screen despite them being vertical.

It sometimes breaks thing like "space" to scroll, depends where focus ends up.

I use it mostly for web interactive apps, I guess mobile is not really my use case then.

I'll be more attentive to space scroll tho.

Thanks for the comment.

Even on the Desktop Web Browser (where I was), by default the scrollbars are hidden (macOS). It is not apparent that the content is scrollable but confined in a frame/container. I had to stumble on it when I graze over the Magic Mouse because the cursor is outside of the content (inside the frame/container).

Contents inside a frame is OK but make it apparent, say, have a thin border, with a lightly different backgound and have the scrollbar forced if the content is larger than the defined height of the frame.

The scroll is not properly restored between browser navigations.

it's a major accessibility hinderance as well

thanks for the feedback, i'm trying to better my frontend skill so i really appreciate this!

Honest thoughts -- but you seem to be competing with the likes of Todoist[1] which is $4/mo. And if one is on the macOS, iOS, iPadOS, the Reminder App has become pretty powerful. I use a combination of Notes, Reminder, and Plain-text (Markdown in Obsidian with an Outliner Plugin). Repeatable -- either show done items or make it a repeat reminder.

1. https://todoist.com/pricing

Thanks. If this finds traction, individual users won't be the revenue base. Want to keep individual users close to free and have small orgs pay for teams features.

Honestly, I think they are a tad late -- Envato should sell and cash out.

There were a few other marketplaces that started when FlashDen started. I just searched my email archive and found Collis (Envato's then-CEO) asking me for an interview for FlashDen (late 2006).

I'm a happy customer of Envato and now I'm happy for them.


1. Here is their story https://www.envato.com/blog/the-story-of-envato/

2. I contributed to one of their competitor (a friend from the community) for equity in the company (something like that) but the company went bust after his divorce. One thing I remember with that story was of McCoy’s dialogue to Kirk in Star Trek,“I got nowhere else to go. The ex-wife took the whole damn planet in the divorce.”

Eraser, https://eraser.io/ looks awesome. I signed up but had to try a few times with the Passwords (mine was a 42-character with all the jazz generated by 1Password).

I never figured out how to make a valid password.

I've tried subscribing to NYTimes couple of times (it is super-cheap, here in India) just to get rid of these irritations but I never succeeded -- error with the payment processors.

Try subscribing via Google Play, it works around most of this and it makes unsubscribing dead easy (because otherwise NYT makes it very hard).

Hey, I have been trying to use this today and I like it. Unfortunately, the data is not stored -- can you please add that to LocalStorage?

Thanks, good idea, I will look into this!


Watermark all over. Need to wait for the one after they proof-read.

This is cool. I went there to check if I can find some of mine and found the page that links to some of my public downloads, unfortunately, none of the Zip files were archived.

And the Ruffle Flash Emulator still do not work with most interactive Flash Applications!

You might try building Ruffle from source. I’ve found that online versions don’t work for the games I want, due to using an outdated version of Ruffle.

Do you plan to open source this and/or do you plan to make this a SaaS app?

I will think about possibilites.

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