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`file://*` URLs are now allowed => ollama works with simple html files now


Try Cody with gpt-4o and explicit prompting (option+k). It is a nice experience to have the llm at your finger tips instead of having to do round-trips to a different ui.

The models used for autocompletion in Github Copilot and other systems are usually not as strong but faster and cheaper.

You can still get decent results from the autocomplete models if you guide them with comments but I find explicit prompting less frustrating when I care about getting a good result.

I think, like the author, I'm glad Zork isn't a huge franchise nowadays with tons of mediocre games. That said: I wonder what a current version of Zork in VR would look like.

Something in the Zork Nemesis, Myst, Riven direction? Or something closer to the originals? How?

This seems like something that would fit well into a tablet-sized display with a voice interface -- sort of like a conversational adventure.

better benchmarks with higher ceilings are also needed to be able to tell apart how good the better models are compared to the others

How does it compare to the k that you can license from shakti or to ngn/k?

Ngn/k is GPL and thus more restrictive. https://codeberg.org/ngn/k/src/branch/master/LICENSE

as of right now it's a desktop calculator, functions, conditionals and loops are missing, you can see its scope here https://shakti.com/k/k.d

B × Q / 8

B: number of parameters

Q: quantization (16 = no quantization)

via https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40090566

Thank you! I'm looking into it @ open sourcing.

My guess: the "Bezos" framing is content bait of the tweet. But afaiu it _is_ part of the culture at Amazon.

I've added a few more suggestions and the ui is now drawing 4 random suggestions to display.

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