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Hi this is camping with Steve and today we're nog behind a Canadian sign but inside a US sign!

Somewhere to download an apk?

Hey there, author here!

Unfortunately, we're not able to share all the details until the issues are patched and can't share the APK because (legal reasons)

That said, I've already seen it widely in circulation though, especially on X.

esphome is by far the best and most useful piece of software I've encountered in a long time!

Even for non home automation. Simple web API to turn gpio's on or off, coupled with some relays makes for a great easy yaml configurable industrial automation system

I completely agree, using ESPHome beats writing firmware from scratch, even though lots of Arduino libraries are available. But the flip side is that ESPHome is in active development with lots of contributors, so sometimes things don't work as you might expect. And if that happens, your only option is to spin up an IDE and dive into source code :) For example, during this project I had to fork an abandoned OpenTherm library and rewrite almost half of it, as well as contribute a couple of bugfixes to ESPHome itself. It was actually fun, and I expected something like that from the beginning, but such a sharp drop from a cliff when YAML config doesn't work, will be a surprise for most people :)

Can confirm, I did some automation on a Ritto TwinBus doorbell using ESPHome, and it is rock stable:


Thanks! We're continuously improving it and nowadays have two people full-time working on it.

If you want to hear about the future of ESPHome, make sure to tune into the State of the Open Home next week: https://www.youtube.com/live/oa__fLArsFk

Not Dan Lynch of podcast fame. (Linux Outlaws, FLOSS weekly)

Regular ccache supports remote storage as well: https://ccache.dev/manual/latest.html#_remote_storage_backen...

I guess the difference is that sccache supports cloud storage (S3, R2, Google Cloud Storage, el al) out of the box while cache doesn't, as far as I can tell.

The sccache description was written before remote storage was added to ccache. Remote storage is a relatively new feature for ccache, and it didn't exist when sccache was created.

The ability to use the local and remote caches in tandem is the most important feature to me. sccache will use one or the other exclusively, so successive builds will have to pay the latency and bandwidth costs every time an artifact is built rather than just unpacking from the local cache. ccache stages remote artifacts locally by default, so it only pays the network costs once per artifact. In CI builds they are more or less the same, but the local build experience for ccache is much nicer imo.

(ccache is only about caching, not distributing builds, also...)

both are supported by buildless as well https://less.build

I got my start on OpenVMS at DECUServe 5 years ago: https://raymii.org/s/blog/My_first_OpenVMS.html

Friendly community!

But now OpenVMS is available on x86 and you can run it in VirtualBox yourself: https://raymii.org/s/blog/OpenVMS_9.2_for_x86_Getting_Starte...

I've worked with VMS in the early 90s. Still my favourite operating system, and I'm really happy they ported it to the x86 architecture.

If you haven't already seen it some story's from Andy Goldstein[1].

The quality of OpenVMS is really something else, also repeated from Dave Cutler[2].

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vASxBpf4ti0&list=PLewDXk9a8l...

[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xi1Lq79mLeE

How come? What about it do you appreciate?

Hey! Thank you very much for your blog, got (again) into OpenVMS X86 because of it!

BTW when do you blog about a cluster setup? ;)

It's on my todo list! I hope to integrate it with some modern software like haproxy or the built in Apache fork, next to file sharing etc.

Samba for file sharing? I led development efforts for the first Samba release on VMS (IA64) working at HP. It was not performant enough compared to ASV but we were on the right path.

ATM i test OpenJDK with Yacy, clustering Yacy via OpenVMS is next ;)

Sign me up for this too!

Happy user of pagefind for my static site! Wrote about it some time ago: https://raymii.org/s/blog/Site_update_self_hosted_search_via...

Does zim support markdown? (no there is a fork but not merged yet) and no mobile app...

The only thing I see is: it's ****

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