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This is an awesome solution.

I have the 5-bay variant of the same NAS. I decided to put TrueNAS Scale on it using a Samsung USB stick using the internal USB. I chose one that’s widely used for Tesla dashcam, so I know it is at least somewhat durable.

I’m happy with it so far. I still find the CPU performance very lacking so I’m planning on upgrading to something beefier.

Oh absolutely the CPU is lacking in performance. I actually entertained the idea of replacing the motherboard with a custom carrier for some arm compute module or the new Lattepanda mu but I suppose I should first use my new project that I spent so much work on :p

This is a very neat project that seems to accomplish the same goal and have some extra features.

* Memory allocation NULL check: this is a bona-fide bug introduced by my refactoring

* MAX_FILE_SIZE: I don't think this is true.

* skip_until_charset, skip_charset bound check bug: I don't think this is true

* Uninitialized value_end: I don't think this is true - and if true should be caught by -Wall -Werror flags.

* argc < 1 check not being necessary: This is not true, you can make argc == 0 by using the exec family of libc functions.

* Error Handling: Currently all parsing errors should cause the program to exit, which I think is the desired behavior.

* Unsanitized input for .env: Intended behavior.

* Unsanitized input for execvp: Intended behavior.

The reason I think is that GM is multinational. And while Buick is not doing well in the US, it’s doing very well in China (80%+ of sales of the brand is in China).

Yeah, but there's nothing wrong with having different brands regionally. I doubt it would hurt them in China to kill the US brand.

IMO Pontiac would have been the perfect brand to evolve into the EV space.

During the 2009 bankruptcy government bailout the politicians involved forced GM to trim their portfolio to 4 brands worldwide. They had to pick between Pontiac and Buick. Since Buick had a strong reputation in the rapidly growing Chinese market it was an easy decision to save it and kill Pontiac. At that time the EV market barely existed.

I could see them trimming down the number of brands -- too many dealers and redundant models -- in ONE national market, but that seems like it makes little sense on an international basis. You'd want to pick the brands in each individual market that are healthiest. I could see shuttering Buick US and keeping Buick CN alive, unless there's something weird about the marketing-- the Chinese market only buys Buicks because they're the same cars available in the US-- which seems unlikely (at least, I'd expect regionalization)

Considering Ford used to ship vans to the US with passenger seats, then unbolt the seats and send them back, for tax benefits, saying "we bolted a Buick logo on the ones going to China and a Pontiac one for domestic markets" is trifling in comparison.

I wonder if they'll eventually reinvent Saturn as an EV brand. Hummer has specific connotations, and those don't mesh with a consumer saying "I'm cross-shopping the Model 3, the Ioniq 6, and the Prius Prime". I figure of their classic brands, Saturn is the one that screamed "I'm innovative and a bit different from traditional GM".

> the Chinese market only buys Buicks because they're the same cars available in the US-- which seems unlikely (at least, I'd expect regionalization)

It's a historical accident. Buicks were the car of choice for party members and government officials in the postwar reconstruction boom so it became the prestigious brand when GM entered the Chinese market in the 1990s via a joint venture with SAIC.

Do you know why didn't sell off the Pontiac brand like Hummer?

GM tried to sell the Hummer brand during the bankruptcy but ended up just discontinuing it. They recently relaunched Hummer to make EV trucks.

Pontiac had no brand equity at the time due to many years of mismanagement and it was unknown outside North America. I can't imagine that any other company would have paid much for it.

GM did sell the Hummer brand? They bought it back much later.

Huh, I must have misremembered the news.

Because Pontiac had no unique models. They were a 100% rebadge of existing cars.

And GM never sold the hummer brand, they still own it. Hence the hummer EV.

To be fair, they had plans for some pretty nice models back then. The timing was just terrible.

The crosswalk button my city uses has an LED that illuminates if the button was pressed before. It’s a great UX improvement over the ones without the LED.

I never remember if the light means "button pressed" or "here is the button come press it" like on a taxi.

You don't just press the button and see what happens?

That's the point. Adding the LED does very little to help the user understand the state. In the end, you'll just push the button anyway to make sure.

In the UK, where this kind of behaviour is the default, we just learn it from a young age, possibly at school.

If the indicator light is on, the OP presses the button, and that same indicator light remains illuminated: What did we learn?

It could still be a, “hey, press the button” light. Or it could be a “button already pressed” light

That's true if you only ever press one light. You can still learn the pattern in a given area with experimentation (assuming most lights work the same). I know, for example, that lights in LA indicate that it's already pressed, but would have to experiment in a new city.

Ah, that's pretty important context that is missing from the article! These have been universal in the UK for as long as I can remember.

yes I've noticed them in my city getting much better, they light up and say "wait" when you press them... newer ones are even becoming contactless so you can wave your hand in front of them

Melbourne has this in at most crossings.

Did something very similar years ago - https://blog.yifangu.com/tag/library-occupancy-project/

Wow, very cool! I would have used WiFi but unfortunately our beacons either separate or merge devices (so you either get just the users on the nearest beacon, which is not a set range of distance, or every user on that region's subnet, which could be entire dorm complexes). But that seems like a really good solution!

Does anyone remember X3D[1] / VRML? X3D is roughly the same concept, 20-some years ago.

Here's a hello world for X3D: https://www.web3d.org/x3d/content/examples/Basic/X3dSpecific...

And here's a hello world for OpenUSD: https://www.openusd.org/release/tut_helloworld.html#viewing-...

Although X3D is a bit more verbose, a lot of parallels can be drawn between the two, 20 years apart.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X3D

I do remember VRML. I read a book about it and spent some time playing around with it in the mid-90s. I didn't follow it closely enough to know when it died off (I'm assuming it died off since I haven't heard it mentioned much in decades).

VRML is still around — it became X3D. It's a different file format but the semantics are much the same.

All the plugins that used to be needed to display VRML online are gone now, but you can still display VRML 2.0/97 files online using JavaScript library called X_ITE [1]. I used it recently to view some old VRML I had saved but could no longer view. Works great.

1. https://create3000.github.io/x_ite/

I was tinkering in that space in the mid-90s, and always felt the file format was a missed opportunity, and wasn't taking any of the lessons of HTML.

What I wanted (but never built) was a semantic file format, something like:

    <room style="square" id="room1">
      <wall direction=north>
        <picture frame="modern" src="http://foo.com/fancycat.jpg" />
      <wall direction=south>
        <door room="room2" />

Sounds like you are looking for react-three-fiber, which looks just like this!

The examples, demos, and development experience are great, but since it's based on web tech hasn't made a big splash yet with the bigger 3D content businesses.

You can actually render a gltf as a JSX tree too with gltfjsx: https://github.com/pmndrs/gltfjsx

There was a company in Sweden that built a system that used VRML and extended like that where you could define what the nodes were and reference and re-use them. The system also enable Python to script behaviour.

It also used the PHANToM for haptic feedback and used a 3D stereoscopic display


The company H3D has built something similar.


That's way too high level and ambiguous. Something could look okay in one browser and totally crap in another.

>look okay in one browser and totally crap in another.

We're talking about 3d model formats where the current industry standard is a close sourced Autodesk nightmare. This is already the default situaton.

There's not much incentive to change either because animation and game studios tend to roll their own tech.

<surface orientation=x name="south wall" rotation=-125 .../>

I remember VRML. Unfortunately KiCAD still uses it for 3D models (though thankfully it supports STEP files too)

> X3D is roughly the same concept, 20-some years ago

That was my initial thought also.

> Although X3D is a bit more verbose

The USDA file format reminds me a lot of the pre-XML VRML 97 file format, with the curly bracket C-style syntax, #comments, and 'def' everywhere.


We had to wait 20 years until some entity interested in interoperability became powerful enough that vendors started listening to them.

Not all surprising that X3D uses xml and of course OpenUSD uses some form of python/json thing

I believe the methodology is flawed.

> The business cards displayed the owner’s name and email address and we used fictitious but commonplace male names for each country.

This is assuming that email is a ubiquitous communication method in all countries, which is not true. USA has a very high email penetration rate, so does Japan (where all phones use email instead of SMS). On the other end of the spectrum, China's email penetration rate is less than 40% [1]. Business in China is conducted over WeChat and phone calls instead of email. If the person receiving the wallet does not have an email account, or doesn't even know what email is, I'd imagine the email contact rate to be quite low.

[1] https://www.twinova.com/email-dead-long-live-wechat/#:~:text....

A valid concern, but a couple points:

(1) This issue doesn't affect the treatment effect (the difference in return rates for money vs no money), which was the main focus of the paper. If email usage is low in a particular country, that should affect return rates equally in both the money and no money conditions.

(2) We've done a number of robustness checks on the point about email usage and have not been able to find evidence that it has a meaningful impact on the results. For instance, when looking at cross country differences in wallet return rates, the rank order correlation between the "raw" data and one that statistically adjusts for email penetration rates (based on World Bank data) is 0.95.

Thank you for your reply.

Here are my thoughts on your 2 points.

(1) Noted. The main graphic emphasizes reporting rate over the delta, in both the axes selection and the ranking - and indeed the ranking is the main takeaway from many of the readers. If you rank by percentage delta of report rate, the graphic would be drastically different. This newer graphic wouldn't be "fair" either, as countries with higher control (no money) report rate would have a relatively low percentage delta.

(2) The World Bank Enterprise Survey data is listed under the title "Percent of firms using e-mail to interact with clients/suppliers" (for which China is at 85%) which I think is not the same as email penetration rate (which in the above reference in my parent comment, is at <40%). I understand your reasoning that cross country data is hard to come across.

I also read your reply in Science. I believe that while there are multiple limitations conducting the research - all perfectly reasonable - the limitations nonetheless affected the credibility of Fig. 1 - the main figure of the paper.

It is also mentioned in the reply that creating new social accounts is unfeasible. While I think this is true, wouldn't a single account per platform suffice? Most social platforms allow anonymity for display names / handles. If the social account name does not bear resemblance to an actual name, I don't think the participants would notice.

I know exactly where this is from. This has been floating around the Chinese Internet for a bit. The repo is originally at https://github.com/wheatup/evil.js but has been made private since then. A few variants of this was made and uploaded to NPM.

Here's a English translation of the README.md in that specific repo.

> What? The notorious 996 company wants you to hit the road?


> Do you want to leave a small "gift" for your project before you go?


> Let's sneak this project into yours, and your project will have, but not limited to, the following magical effects:


> - When the length of the array is divisible by 7, Array.includes will always return false.

> - When it's Sunday, the result of the Array.map method always loses the last element.

> - There is a 2% chance that the result of Array.filter will lose the last element.

> - setTimeout will always trigger one second slower than expected.

> - 10% of Promise.then will not register on Sundays.

> - JSON.stringify will change uppercase I to lowercase l.

> - The result of Date.getTime() will always be one hour behind.

> - There is a 5% chance that localStorage.getItem will return an empty string.

see: https://juejin.cn/post/7133134875426553886

To clarify 996 refers to requiring employees to work 9am to 9pm 6 days a week.

This is super interesting! How'd you stumble on this?

Something about the use billiard balls immensely amuses me. I'm impressed.

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