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Stories from July 30, 2008
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1. Google Acquires Omnisio (YC Winter 08) (techcrunch.com)
168 points by markbao on July 30, 2008 | 45 comments
2. Xkcd - Linux, a cautionary tale (xkcd.com)
89 points by nickb on July 30, 2008 | 62 comments
3. Microsoft's new legacy-free OS from scratch (sdtimes.com)
66 points by nreece on July 30, 2008 | 76 comments
4. Balsamiq, a bootstrapped startup featured here some time ago, makes $10k in 6 weeks (balsamiq.com)
64 points by ph0rque on July 30, 2008 | 41 comments
5. Posterous.com (YC Summer 08) launches Autopost to all major blog platforms (blog.posterous.com)
56 points by rantfoil on July 30, 2008 | 29 comments
6. OPEC 2.0: Bandwidth is the New Oil (nytimes.com)
56 points by pierrefar on July 30, 2008 | 26 comments
7. The Economics of Testing Ugly Code (1729.com)
48 points by edw519 on July 30, 2008 | 25 comments
8. Yuil vs. Cuil - The hack wins hands down... (laserlike.com)
40 points by mspeiser on July 30, 2008 | 22 comments
9. Response to massive boost in Ruby perfomance (skitoy.com)
34 points by soundsop on July 30, 2008 | 7 comments
10. The Myth of Moderate Exercise (time.com)
35 points by adamdoupe on July 30, 2008 | 66 comments
11. Workings of ancient Greek 'computer' deciphered (nytimes.com)
31 points by ckinnan on July 30, 2008 | 3 comments
12. “The Mojave Experiment:” Bad Science, Bad Marketing (wilshipley.com)
31 points by bazookaaa on July 30, 2008 | 16 comments
13. How Hard Could It Be?: Good System, Bad System (inc.com)
32 points by mqt on July 30, 2008 | 13 comments
14. The Coming Death Shortage (theatlantic.com)
32 points by terpua on July 30, 2008 | 12 comments
15. Scaling Python for High-Load Web Sites (polimetrix.com)
31 points by t0pj on July 30, 2008 | 5 comments
16. Labmeeting: A Social Network For Scientists (techcrunch.com)
30 points by jmorin007 on July 30, 2008 | 17 comments
17. Scrabulous highlights the failure of American Copyright Law (inquisitr.com)
28 points by wave on July 30, 2008 | 5 comments
18. Bjorn Lomborg: How to Get the Biggest Bang for 10 Billion Bucks (wsj.com)
27 points by byrneseyeview on July 30, 2008 | 34 comments
19. Another one of those "Aha" interview questions: Long-running averages (invisibleblocks.wordpress.com)
22 points by raganwald on July 30, 2008 | 20 comments
20. What Startups Can Learn From Haruki Murakami (readwriteweb.com)
21 points by naish on July 30, 2008 | 7 comments
21. The World According to Cuil (blogoscoped.com)
18 points by trs90 on July 30, 2008 | 16 comments
22. What if I went to a Java school Joel? (thinkingdigitally.com)
19 points by muriithi on July 30, 2008 | 14 comments
23. Charming Python Articles (ibm.com)
19 points by alexk on July 30, 2008
24. Y Combinator Challenge #8 - Dating (astartupaday.wordpress.com)
18 points by jmorin007 on July 30, 2008 | 28 comments
25. All About Python and Unicode (boodebr.org)
18 points by alexk on July 30, 2008 | 4 comments
26. "The way C handles pointers was a brilliant innovation." (1993 Knuth interview) (loria.fr)
18 points by crocus on July 30, 2008 | 10 comments
27. Perl Myths (slides from OSCON 2008) (files.wordpress.com)
17 points by soundsop on July 30, 2008 | 18 comments
28. Teenager invents vehicular antitheft system (hackaday.com)
16 points by kirubakaran on July 30, 2008 | 7 comments
29. A Software Pricing Primer (softwarepricing.com)
16 points by nreece on July 30, 2008 | 3 comments
30. China to Limit Web Access During Games (nytimes.com)
15 points by markbao on July 30, 2008 | 2 comments

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