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31. Fragmented thinking is a bigger threat to flow state than interruptions (stackblitz.com)
310 points by nickwritesit 1 day ago | hide | 112 comments
32. Zilog Z80 CPU – Modern, free and open source silicon clone (github.com/rejunity)
343 points by jnord 1 day ago | hide | 65 comments
33. Speeding up C++ build times (figma.com)
137 points by skilled 17 hours ago | hide | 149 comments
34. Phishing Campaigns Targeting USPS See as Much Web Traffic as the USPS Itself (akamai.com)
52 points by rexbee 7 hours ago | hide | 18 comments
35. The unstallable plane that stalled (fearoflanding.com)
164 points by sni 20 hours ago | hide | 160 comments
36. Korea sees more deaths than births for 52nd consecutive month in February (hani.co.kr)
32 points by paulpauper 8 hours ago | hide | 27 comments
37. Crows Are Self-Aware Just Like Humans, and They May Be as Smart as Gorillas (popularmechanics.com)
43 points by nithinj 9 hours ago | hide | 15 comments
38. Airline keeps mistaking 101-year-old woman for 1-year-old baby (bbc.com)
91 points by fortran77 6 hours ago | hide | 78 comments
39. Talking to memory: Inside the Intel 8088 processor's bus interface state machine (righto.com)
97 points by todsacerdoti 19 hours ago | hide | 7 comments
40. OSWorld: Benchmarking Multimodal Agents for Open-Ended Tasks in Real Computers (os-world.github.io)
72 points by kristianpaul 16 hours ago | hide | 36 comments
41. PySheets – Spreadsheet UI for Python (pysheets.app)
261 points by tosh 23 hours ago | hide | 50 comments
42. Web-native Unix-like development environment (wanix.sh)
12 points by aziis98 12 hours ago | hide | discuss
43. Block* and AgentFormer – Playing with blocks and Transformers (yay) (github.com/rayking99)
14 points by jasepickup 12 hours ago | hide | 1 comment
44. TfL's simple pop-up message led to a significant drop in paper ticket sales (ianvisits.co.uk)
202 points by zeristor 1 day ago | hide | 233 comments
45. Barley plants fine-tune root microbial communities through sugary secretions (phys.org)
64 points by wglb 18 hours ago | hide | 7 comments
46. Zed Decoded: Rope and SumTree (zed.dev)
179 points by avinassh 23 hours ago | hide | 33 comments
47. Flow Field Pathfinding (redblobgames.com)
158 points by ingve 1 day ago | hide | 24 comments
48. An IRC client that runs on your motherboard's UEFI is born (gigazine.net)
18 points by fury999io 19 hours ago | hide | 2 comments
49. Show HN: LazyVim for Ambitious Developers (phillips.codes)
43 points by buchuki 21 hours ago | hide | 5 comments
50. My Homemade Metal Lathe Project (backyardmetalcasting.com)
39 points by mhb 14 hours ago | hide | 10 comments
51. My mouse climbed a wall and now it doesn't work right (theregister.com)
73 points by CHB0403085482 13 hours ago | hide | 32 comments
52. The Princeton Companion to Applied Mathematics (nhigham.com)
198 points by teleforce 1 day ago | hide | 30 comments
53. What if null was an Object in Java? (donraab.medium.com)
69 points by ingve 19 hours ago | hide | 135 comments
54. Wegovy could be covered for at least 3.6M people under new Medicare rules (kff.org)
83 points by cwwc 16 hours ago | hide | 134 comments
55. Is it okay to daisy chain a UPS? (eaton.com)
121 points by nuker 1 day ago | hide | 148 comments
56. Synth wars: The story of MIDI (2023) (musicradar.com)
143 points by conanxin 1 day ago | hide | 63 comments
57. The AI expert who cited himself thousands of times on scientific paper (elpais.com)
97 points by belter 18 hours ago | hide | 17 comments
58. The Shitty Technology Adoption Curve (2022) (pluralistic.net)
102 points by smartmic 16 hours ago | hide | 13 comments
59. Careful with Pair-of-Registers Instructions on Apple Silicon (lemire.me)
7 points by ingve 5 hours ago | hide | discuss
60. Did we lose our way in making efficient software? (rufatmammadli.medium.com)
234 points by rumad 19 hours ago | hide | 422 comments

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